Map settings for GTA 5. Grand Theft Auto V. Graphics. Settings Guide. Performance testing. What is the difference between a gaming motherboard and a regular one?

GTA 5 has a large number of graphics settings that allow you to very flexibly customize the graphics and performance of the game for a specific computer. We have written a large guide on setting up and optimizing graphics in GTA 5, which settings items affect what, how much they affect the game performance (number of fps), what can be disabled in the graphics and what is better not.
A few days ago, NVIDIA released a large article in which it described in detail all the graphics settings in GTA 5, changes in game performance on the same computer, and also provided screenshots of changes in graphics, what has changed, as well as recommendations for optimizing graphics in GTA 5 .

What is the essence of the experiment? show what strange letters and values ​​mean in the GTA 5 image settings, how they affect the speed of the game.
After reviewing this article, you can change some settings to improve the speed of the game, without significantly degrading the picture quality.

By the way, I’ll add on my own behalf, if you don’t want to read and understand the settings and you have an nvidia video card, I advise you to try optimizing the game with GeForce Experience. There you can choose what you want more, game speed, or picture quality, and the program itself will select the values ​​specifically for your video card, I have a gtx 760, I optimized the game, and I’m happy, stable 50-60 fps, many values ​​are set higher than standard, as well as the amount of memory required is 2600MB, although my video card only has 2000MB. Give it a try.

Test computer configuration:
- Processor: Intel Core i7-5960X @ 4.4 GHz;
- RAM: 64 GB;
- Video card: Nvidia GeForce TitanX SLI.

An incredibly powerful machine, but it will also be pushed to its limit, and there will be a noticeable difference in performance and graphics.

How much video memory (memory in the video card) does gta 5 consume on Pc at different settings.

As you can see, at 1920 by 1080 resolution, very high quality textures will require a whopping 1335 megabytes, 100% population diversity will require another 763 megabytes, and very high quality shaders will require another 711 megabytes.

DirectX version

In the Gta 5 settings there are 3 versions of DirectX to choose from, these are 10, 10.1, and 11, support for 10 and 10.1 is made for better compatibility with older video cards that do not support version 11, but are powerful enough to process the game.
See on the graph how performance changes depending on the version of DirectX

As you can see, on the older version of Direct X the performance is about 20% higher, but do not rush to change the value, the fact is that this is an outdated version and it does not have certain tools and features, which will make the effects in the game look worse, and since Graphics have decreased, performance has increased. Also, according to NVIDIA, stability on DirectX 11 is higher.

Texture Quality

It's simple, the higher the quality of the textures, the better the graphics, you are given the opportunity to choose from 3 settings, normal, high, very high. There is no huge difference, but this parameter takes up quite a lot of video memory.
Let's see how performance changes with different texture quality.

As you can see, the change did not significantly affect performance, BUT on less powerful machines the values ​​will be higher, since with a lack of video memory, performance degradation is inevitable. It is recommended to set this parameter to the high position, and if you have less than 2 gigabytes of video memory, to the normal position.

Also see the difference between high, very high, and normal, in different places. Move the slider from right to left.

Drawing quality depending on distance (Distance Scaling)

This setting greatly affects the quality of the overall picture, namely how well distant objects will be drawn, which significantly increases the load on the video card, and can greatly and sharply reduce FPS in different game locations, especially in cities.
As you can see from the graph, this option reduces the number of FPS by about 10, when changing from 0 to 100%.

Now look how this setting changes the game:

Increased loading distance for more detailed objects (Extended Distance Scaling)

This setting changes the distance at which textures will be loaded in higher resolution, thanks to this the quality of objects near the player and at a distance will be amazingly detailed. This option quite significantly optimizes the graphics in the game, allowing you to load your video card to process close objects, but for owners of very powerful gaming systems, you can improve the picture quality.

Reduced performance on the test bench:

As you can see, this setting reduces performance by 5-8 fps, and now look how the graphics in the game will change:

According to the photo comparison, the quality of the shadows, their detail and complexity, changes quite a lot in the graphics. As well as the quality of grass and foliage. Don't look too much at the cars, the screenshots were taken at different times, the cars are moving.

Grass Quality

In GTA 5, the grass has changed quite a lot, if you compare the graphics with the graphics on the xbox 360, many people underestimate the load that high-quality realistic grass gives. The grass has many objects that change position depending on various factors, and a large number of shadows.
If you change the grass quality settings, and this does not change the number of fps much, then I strongly advise you to come to the countryside, fields or forest, where there is a very large amount of grass; even on very productive systems, increasing the grass quality setting can cut you up to 40% fps. Also, if your productivity decreases in rural areas, reduce the quality of the grass and other grass-related settings.

Let's see how the speed of the game changes when the parameter changes - the quality of the grass.

As you can see, this setting greatly affects the speed of the game, even on an incredibly powerful computer; the ultra graphics setting drops the FPS of games from 57 to 33. A very important setting for optimizing the graphics speed of GTA 5 on a PC.

And now the amazing change in graphics in the comparison screenshots:

As you can see, in any position of the graphics except normal, there is high-quality, beautiful grass, but in the normal position there is no grass.
I advise you to set the position to high, there is no huge difference between high and ultra, but the load varies greatly, by about 12 fps on the test bench.

Shadow Quality

Shadows and their quality make the graphics in the game truly natural, the way we are used to seeing them in life. The higher the quality of the shadows, the more video memory you will need, and the greater the load on the video card itself. But the difference in graphics is visible even to the naked eye. The higher the quality of the shadows, the clearer and more believable the shadows, and the more of them there are in the picture.
First, let's see how performance changes in GTA 5 graphics when changing positions from normal to very high.

As you can see, excellent shadows eat up a good 10 fps, and this setting also flexibly interacts with the “high-resolution shadows” setting, read about this setting below.

Now watch how the graphics change:

High Resolution Shadows

This option also improves the quality of shadows, but puts a lot of strain on the video card. It goes without saying that it makes sense to use high-resolution shadows if the quality of the shadows is set to high or very high.

FPS drops by 5-7 units, but this option requires even more video memory.

Two screenshots, with the high-resolution shadow option enabled and disabled.

Extended Shadow Distance

This option allows you to increase the distance at which shadows begin to appear, which makes the picture more realistic, but of course increases the load.

This setting does not greatly increase the load on the video card, only 3-5 fps, although the difference in realism between 100% and 0% is quite noticeable.

Difference in picture quality:

Long Shadows

This option improves the visualization of shadows at sunrise and sunset, but it adds a bit of load; if you have performance problems, feel free to disable it. This option has almost no effect on the picture quality, see the screenshots for yourself.

Loading more detailed textures while flying (High Detail Streaming While Flying)

This option in the GTA 5 graphics settings is used to adjust the load on the video card when moving quickly in the game, for example on an airplane. This option allows you to optimize the graphics when flying on an airplane and save 5-10 fps, but in some places the difference in the detail of some objects is quite large.

Ignore Suggested Limits

This option monitors the video memory, when you change different values, the amount of video memory required for these settings changes, this option limits the settings and does not allow you to exceed the physical amount of memory. I advise you to handle this setting carefully; if the video memory is clearly full, there may be crashes, glitches, etc. BUT, GeForce Experience itself enabled this option, and the current settings consume 2500 megabytes of memory, while physically I have 2000, and everything works fine.

Global occlusion model (Ambient Occlusion)

This option is responsible for realistic darkening of some objects in the game, changing color depending on the location of the sun. The difference in realism between the high and off settings is quite large, but the difference between high and normal is not very large.

As you can see, the high parameter does not differ much from the normal one, perhaps this is a bug.
Difference in picture quality:

Anisotropic Filtering

This setting improves the quality of textures and textures at an angle to the player. This setting greatly improves the quality and detail of the world, but hardly loads your video card. See the difference between 16x and off.

Difference in picture quality:

Population Density

This option has a significant impact on both the performance of the game and the overall experience of the game. The more people and cars there are on city streets, the more work it will take to process shadows and effects for your video card. You can experiment with this indicator, perhaps you prefer empty streets?

Difference in picture quality:

Population Variety

This option allows you to optimize video memory consumption, the game has a certain number of models of people and cars, if you insert 100%, the game will be the most diverse, but will require a lot of video memory, I think it’s better to look at the same people and cars, but set more high quality textures. This setting does not affect FPS, only the memory consumption of the video card.

Post FX Effects Settings

This option adds a huge number of effects to the game, glare, sharpness, volumetric effects, motion blur, twilight rays. Basically, these effects work at sunrise and sunset. The difference in performance is very, very decent, as is the difference in graphics. I advise you to set it to the High position; the load increases slightly, but the quality and quantity of effects increases noticeably.

This game is based on an interesting legend about three friends who conquer Los Santos. The prototype of Los Santos is the famous American metropolis - Los Angeles. At the moment, the entire gaming space is the largest and most well-developed in the entire Grand Theft Auto series of games, which consists of the entire Blaine County with its many attractions and unique buildings, natural landscapes, such as deserts, picturesque forests, lakes... All the same gangs, all the same showdowns, personal life and entertainment, but now, not for one character, but for three! We can switch between them at almost any moment we need in the game.
Each hero has his own unique abilities and skills that he can develop, because they will come to the rescue in the most difficult moments of the game.
One of the key differences between GTA 5 and GTA 4 is that now no actions are imposed on us, no negative marks are given for this, for example, before, if Roman calls and we don’t answer him, we will see a thumbs down, which means this action is not approved... Thus, to one degree or another, certain actions were imposed on us, in GTA V - complete freedom of action. By the way, it is now available to us, plunging us within GTA 4 into the world of GTA 5!

A huge amount of the most diverse opens up even greater opportunities for us, new car models, military equipment, updated water transport, submarines, as well as supersonic fighters.

In the new version of the game, not only do three main characters appear at once, but their destinies are also closely intertwined, which makes the game even more interesting!

Release date for GTA 5 on PC

Many people are wondering when will GTA 5 finally come out on PC? At the moment, after the game was officially announced at E3 2014, Rockstar officially announced that GTA 5 release date for PC- April 14, 2015, or more precisely:
GTA 5 will be released on PC in:

But lucky owners of Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will be able to enjoy the new product a little earlier, namely on November 18, 2014. Many people wonder why this happened, what is the reason for such a spread in time? Unfortunately, only the game developers know the answer to this question, and they did not share this nuance with us, however, let’s hope that the PC version of GTA 5 will have better optimization, and the graphical component will be higher than that of users consoles.

GTA 5 system requirements

One of the most popular topics of discussion is the official system requirements of GTA 5, which became publicly available on January 13, in fact, on this very day, Rockstar announced that the game's release was being postponed to March 24, 2015.
And now, directly, ourselves system requirements for GTA 5:

GTA 5 minimum system requirements

OS: Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1, Windows Vista 64 Bit Service Pack 2* (*when running on Vista OS, it is recommended to use an NVIDIA video card)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40 GHz (4 cores) / AMD Phenom 9850 Quad-Core Processor (4 cores) @ 2.5 GHz
Video card: NVIDIA 9800 GT 1GB / AMD HD 4870 1GB (DX 10, 10.1, 11)

Hard disk space: 65GB

OS: Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1
Processor: Intel Core i5 3470 @ 3.2GHz (4 cores) / AMD X8 FX-8350 @ 4GHz (8 cores)
Video card: NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB / AMD HD7870 2GB
Sound Card: 100% DirectX 10 Compatible
Hard disk space: 65GB

It is worth emphasizing that the GTA V system requirements stated above are official and no others can correspond to reality!

Of course, the developers warn us that as a result of additional content, requirements may change, and chipsets and other devices of certain brands may not be compatible with the game, which we can find out in more detail on the official Rockstar website.

The Internet will be needed to play GTA 5 online, as well as to activate the game itself with a one-time code.
You will also need to install the following programs:

Rockstar Games Social Club
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 sp1

Features of GTA 5 for PC

Of course, in the new game literally everything was improved and redesigned: updated graphics, better detail and new special effects, updates affected both nature - new plants appeared, and many old ones were redrawn and modified, water and sand were modified... And also, The objects of technical progress - cars - did not escape changes, new models were added, traffic became denser, and the damage became more detailed and realistic, as for the physics of movement itself, it became even more similar to the real one, one gets the impression that you are driving a real one car!
We all know very well how many surprises constantly await us with the release of a new version of Grand Theft Auto, and GTA 5 is no exception! What will come to our rescue is -!

All of the above applies not only to the PC version of GTA 5, but also to owners of Xbox One and PS4.

After a wave of rumors and leaks about GTA 5 swept across the world, Rockstar Games and Take-Two decided to officially announce that Grand Theft Auto V will appear in all countries in the spring of 2013 on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles.
However, already on January 31 of the same year, 2013, the developers officially apologized and announced a postponement of the official release by 4 months, naming the exact date - September 17, 2013 and assured that they would try in every possible way to meet the already established high requirements and standards, at At that time, the date of the computer version was still not fully known.

GTA 5 City - Los Santos

Even before GTA 5 was officially announced, we had a lot of rumors about it, however, after the announcement, in 2011, there were even more rumors: gamers from all over the world were wondering where and when the game would begin, in which the storyline will develop in the city, and so, the first trailer dotted all the I's, however, it did not provide complete specifics, leaving some mysteries unsolved. We only learn that the main character is tired of his criminal past, he wants to change! And moves to Los Santos. Why? He is attracted by the warm climatic conditions of this area!

Understanding what Los Santos is, the prototype of which, as mentioned earlier, is the huge metropolis in the USA - Los Angeles, and this is not the first appearance of this city in Grand Theft Auto! After all, in GTA San Andreas it was one of the 3 cities to which we are so accustomed. If we compare the city that was in GTA San Andreas and the one that we see in GTA 5, these are completely different cities, because literally everything has changed, buildings, houses, shops... If we compare with the later version - GTA 4, then we We can immediately voice the fact that if in GTA 4 the entire city is made in grayish tones, then in GTA 5 this was corrected, the developers generously splashed notes of positivity and sunshine into the city.
And in order to truly have fun, have a blast and just have a lot of fun, they are offered!

The main characters of GTA 5

As we have already said, now we have three protagonists, namely:
Trevor Philips (Trevor Philips)
Franklin Clinton
Michael De Santa (Michael De Santa)

All of them, GTA 5 characters, have their own storyline in the past, they all have their own interests, preferences and priorities, as well as their own abilities, but what unites them now is common goals!

GTA 5 Game plot

The thing that will happen most in the game is robberies! Dan Houser admitted in one of his interviews that the theme of robberies will be the leading one in the game, why? Yes, because, as it turned out, gamers liked this theme most of all, but in previous versions of the game there was not so much of it!

GTA 5 Interesting facts

And finally, here are some facts from GTA 5 that will be of interest to everyone.
In fact, you can talk about the game almost endlessly, because there are so many new products and innovations that even after telling absolutely everything, something new is noticed again and again during the game, but we’ll talk about the most interesting of all this.

  • For example, did you know that in order to complete some missions we will need certain amounts of money?
  • And also the fact that it will take about 25 hours to completely go through the entire storyline of GTA 5.
  • The most interesting thing is that the game does not force us to take any specific and mandatory actions during the gameplay, and most importantly, that there is no one, mandatory ending, because there are now three of them! They depend on what decisions we make during the game. We can kill Michael, kill Trevor, and save Michael and Trevor.
  • We've already talked about how we can switch between our three characters almost always. Why practically? Because sometimes this will happen automatically during the completion of some missions. As for manual switching, it occurs thanks to the radial menu already familiar to all of us from the trailers.
  • Also, another new feature, now music will play when completing missions, which has never happened before!
  • Shelters have also been significantly improved and now play a fairly significant role in the gameplay.
  • As for the missions, they did not go unnoticed, even moreover, they underwent the most in-depth analysis and reworking, thanks to which we moved a little away from the classic versions of missions that were familiar to us in previous versions of the game, and now we are waiting for new tasks that will include: small and short-term missions, as well as high-profile robberies, thoughtful operations, using hostages and an interesting plot.
  • Non-main characters in the game, be they drivers, gardeners, loaders or builders, also have their own daily routine, for example, we can meet a gardener in the morning at a bus stop, and later, at his actual work in someone’s yard!
  • A number of random missions are also added that arise in the current situation. Let's imagine the following situation. We are driving one of the characters in a car along the highway to the city, and then we meet fellow travelers on the road or a car on the side of the road with the dead. If we stop and approach the scene of the incident, we can investigate it, and similarly, we can pick up fellow travelers!
  • In GTA 4, the phone became not only an interesting novelty, but also a rather intrusive thing through which our friends got to us, and, at times, quite annoyed us. This will not happen in GTA 5, but the phone has not completely disappeared, it’s just that now we won’t be constantly pestered, and the phone will become only a means of forced communication, and we will also be able to send mail on the game’s Internet.
  • Strep and Comedy clubs, Internet cafes will not disappear, and there will also be internal television.
  • But now there will be no dates, because... the developers apparently considered that they would be superfluous, now for the three protagonists of GTA 5.
  • And of course, complete freedom of action between missions, be it golf or bowling, yoga or riding on water or land transport, flying on airplanes or parachuting... We will find all this in GTA 5.
  • One of the disadvantages of GTA 4 is that despite the fact that the physics of cars has been significantly improved, relative to GTA San Andreas, however, they have become overly bulky and imposing, which is not the strongest point, but in GTA 5 we see a redesigned controls and physics, now this is a version close to the racing version, which really pleased me.
  • Do you want to be rude to passersby? Please! And even moreover, in each situation the response will be different!
  • Well, finally, we will please you with the news that now we will see Ammu-Nation weapons stores again, but now, in the vastness of GTA 5.

The specifics of PC gaming are such that before you begin, you must first familiarize yourself with its system requirements and relate it to the existing configuration.

To do this simple action, you do not need to know the exact technical characteristics of each model of processors, video cards, motherboards and other components of any personal computer. A simple comparison of the main lines of components will suffice.

For example, if a game's minimum system requirements include a processor of at least Intel Core i5, then you shouldn't expect it to run on i3. However, it is more difficult to compare processors from different manufacturers, which is why developers often indicate names from two main companies - Intel and AMD (processors), Nvidia and AMD (video cards).

Above are system requirements. It is worth noting that the division into minimum and recommended configurations is done for a reason. It is believed that meeting the minimum requirements is enough to start the game and complete it from beginning to end. However, to achieve the best performance, you usually have to lower the graphics settings.

Thus, thanks to an understanding of the basic principles of component classification, absolutely anyone can sensibly assess the possibility of startup and correct operation - and it is the system requirements that will help with this.

This is a description of the approximate characteristics that a computer must meet in order for it to be able to run any particular software.

These characteristics can describe the requirements for both hardware (processor type and frequency, amount of RAM, hard drive size) and software environment (operating system, availability of installed system components and services, etc.). Typically, such requirements are drawn up by the software manufacturer or author.

In order for you to play GTA 5, your computer must meet certain requirements. There are minimum and recommended system requirements.

Minimum system requirements for GTA 5 (GTA 5)

The minimum system requirements for GTA 5 most often indicate the PC configuration on which the game can be run without problems with minimal graphics settings.

The recommended system requirements for GTA 5 show on which computer you can run the game at maximum graphics settings and still play without stuttering and with a high number of frames per second (FPS).

For comfortable and productive work or play, you need a computer that meets the recommended requirements. Although there are cases that, despite meeting all the system requirements, the program does not work or works with “buggy” errors.

System and technical requirements may change from time to time, and therefore this document may be modified and/or supplemented.

Is the game slow?

In 90% of cases, performance can be improved in two steps:
It will increase the speed of your computer, fix system errors, and clear registry entries that remain after uninstalling programs.
operating system: Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1, Windows Vista 64 Bit Service Pack 2*
*NVIDIA recommended if the game runs on Vista OS

CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs) / AMD Phenom 9850 Quad-Core Processor (4 CPUs) @ 2.5GHz
Video card: NVIDIA 9800 GT 1GB / AMD HD 4870 1GB (DX 10, 10.1, 11)
Sound card
DVD drive

CPU: Intel Core i5 3470 @ 3.2GHZ (4 CPUs) / AMD X8 FX-8350 @ 4GHZ (8 CPUs)
Video card: NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB / AMD HD7870 2GB
Sound card: 100% DirectX 10 compatible
HDD: minimum 65GB of free space
DVD drive

Attention: Be sure to check out the optimal settings for GTA 5 for any, even weak, systems!


Attention! The analytical article below was written long before the game was released on PC. Left for history.

Many people are already interested GTA 5 system requirements , in order to have time to assemble or upgrade your computer in time for the release of the great game on PC. The calculations took into account the fact that the game is being released on consoles of the outgoing generation, which means that the requirements will not be exorbitant.

Let's first decide on the weight of the game (more details in).

First- GTA 5 is a potential hit, a mega-blockbuster, a “killer” of competitors and all that. That is, if Rockstar Games wants to publish the game on 13 discs, then everyone will go and buy it. Therefore, if they have the issue of weight optimization, it is somewhere not in the first lines of the hit parade.

Second- practice with a separate edition of single player, multiplayer and bonus content. Taking this into account, we will have at least 2-3 discs for Xbox 360.

Third- price. At the moment, the GTA pre-order price is $60. This is the standard price for a triple A-class title. At this price, it doesn't make economic sense to release the game with four discs in a box.

Fourth- You can always get out. For example, fill three discs with the game itself, and bonuses will come with additions in the future.

It turns out that for the Xbox 360 the weight of the game will be at least 16 gigabytes (2 disks), maximum 24 (3 disks).

Considering the latest experience of porting a Rockstar Games game to personal computers (Max Payne 3), we can assume that GTA 5 on PC will weigh 35-50 gigabytes.

operating system- since GTA 5 is created on the RAGE engine, on which GTA 4 is based, therefore all Windows operating systems, starting with XP, must be supported.

CPU- for all modern open-world and sandbox games (like Sleeping Dogs), a Core 2 Duo 2.0 or Quad-core Intel processor is recommended. In principle, this is already a standard.

Video card- at least 512Mb on board, most likely a card with 1Gb of memory will be optimal.

Random Access Memory (RAM)- most likely, at least 4GB. Although, 2GB may well be enough, but keep in mind that the game will use a very interesting system of moving between three characters, when you instantly jump from one end of the city to the other. This requires significant amounts of RAM.

So. After all the calculations, the following system requirements for GTA 5 come out:

For PC:

▪ Operating system: Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7 or 8.
▪ Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz (Althon X2 2.4 GHz) or Quad-core Intel.
▪ RAM: 4GB
▪ Video card: 512MB or 1GB
▪ Free space on HDD: 50GB

For PlayStation 3:

▪ Free space on HDD: 8GB

For Xbox 360:

▪ 2 disks: installation and game, no need to switch disks during the game
▪ Free space on HDD: 8GB (or a flash drive with 16GB of memory and at least 8GB of free memory)
▪ Flash card: USB 2.0, minimum 15MB/s speed

Important: at the moment the exact date is set for January 25, 2015.