Why VKontakte page statistics are not displayed. Group statistics. How to receive data about visits to your page


On social media The VKontakte network has many functions and capabilities, one of them is the statistics of your own page. By opening your statistics, you can highlight a lot of information - aggregate information about visitors to your page, views of your posts and posts, as well as information about subscribers.

Let's take a closer look at how to open VK page statistics, and what specific information can be emphasized there.

Open statistics on VK

The ability to open the statistics page appears only when the number of subscribers to your page becomes more than one hundred. If you have not reached the required figure, then this will help you.

In the official VK mobile client you can also open the statistics page. This is done by pressing the menu button, which looks like three dots and then selecting the appropriate item, see the image for more details.

What information is available in the VK page statistics

We figured out how to open the VK statistics page, now let's see what information can be extracted from there.

The page has three tabs – Reach, Attendance, Activity.

If desired, statistics can be uploaded to a file in the format xls or csv so that it can be studied further. To upload, use the corresponding button, which is located in the upper right area and is named accordingly.

Now you know how to open and effectively use page statistics on the VKontakte social network.

Often, the audience of the social network VKontakte has approximately the following questions: what is needed in order to view the statistics of visits to your page; how to find out the number of unique visitors; where these users come from and what devices they use most often; How popular is my page in general?

If an active user of the VKontakte network has a large number of visitors visit his page every day, leave comments on his photos and videos, and repost posts from his wall, then this user can be called quite popular. Such a person, of course, is interested in knowing how popular his posts are, and roughly knowing the gender and age composition of his visitors.

Fortunately, this function was provided by the developers of the social network. With its help you can clearly monitor the actions of your audience. This article will explain what VKontakte statistics are and how to use them. It should be noted that the ability to view statistics on visits to your page appeared relatively recently. Therefore, many users face difficulties when using this tool.

Personal page statistics consists of several sections available for review. Here you won’t be able to see the page guests directly, but only the number of views and the number of unique visitors. It is unlikely that the information that can be obtained from the statistics sections will be of interest to the idlely curious, but for those who are promoting their profile, this can serve a good purpose.

So, here is a list of the issues that will be analyzed in this article:

  • Find out the attendance
  • Assessing subscriber coverage
  • Finally

Conditions for accessing page statistics

The only condition for gaining access to statistics is to have one hundred or more subscribers to your page. It should be noted that these should be subscribers, not friends. Subscribers are those users who have signed up to update this profile by submitting a friend request, but have not yet been added or have been added and deleted. Such users have the opportunity to see profile updates in their feed, without having the advantage of friends to see information hidden by privacy settings. As mentioned above, the account owner can easily transfer the user from the category of friends to the category of subscribers.

There are many ways to get enough subscribers. These are mainly services that offer their services through social network communities. But the easiest way is probably to do it yourself, creating a fairly interesting page and promoting it.

Once you have collected a sufficient number of subscribers, you can start using the statistics tool. To access it, click on the button located under the main avatar.

Find out the attendance

A tab called “attendance” provides access to information about how many unique users visit the profile daily (monthly). Unique visitors can be called people who spent two or more minutes on the page. Those who simply visited the page and ran away end up on a graph called “views.”

In the diagram, two columns show the gender and age composition (horizontal scale) of the page’s guests.

Under the heading “geography” you can see those cities (and even countries) from which the network of profile visitors was accessed. This information may be useful to those engaged in any location-based business activities. For example, the production of furniture or the provision of services that require personal presence.

Below you can see the devices that people used to access the page.

Well, at the very bottom there is a graph showing the dynamics of increase and decrease in the number of subscribers. In other words, here you can see the number of new subscribers, as well as those who decided that they are no longer interested in updates to this page. This data can be summarized in a monthly graph. If the dynamics turn out to be negative, this will mean that the page is becoming boring and something needs to be done.

Assessing subscriber coverage

The next tab makes it possible to obtain information about the number of users viewing news on the page and its wall. This information is summarized in a graph, with the help of which the account owner has the opportunity to assess how visible his updates are to other users.

The graph shows two curves, labeled “follower reach” and “total reach” respectively. It’s not hard to guess that the first curve demonstrates how often people who are subscribers see the latest news, while the second gives an idea of ​​the total number of social network users who came across profile updates.

Let's get acquainted with the activity schedule

The activity graph shows the active actions of visitors on the page. Such actions include: comments, likes, reposts, hiding from the feed, mentions. Each of these actions is represented as boxes below the graph. By checking and unchecking them, you can turn on and off the display of the corresponding curves.

By the way, you can also look at the history of your own activity, but in a different place and in a different way. To do this you need to do the following operations:

  • log in to your profile,
  • go to the “my settings” menu,
  • In the “security” section, click on the “show activity history” link.

You should monitor your activity to ensure safety from hacking. If someone else logs in using your login, this can be easily determined by strange activity (unusual logout time and unfamiliar device from which it was made). In this case, you can click “end all sessions” in the same section, and then take the necessary security measures, including using the “login confirmation” function.


The ability to view statistics of a personal VKontakte page allows you to assess how interesting it is to network users. From this article it is clear that this function provides a wide range of tools, the use of each of which can be useful in solving different problems. In other words, for everyone there will be a section that will be most interesting to them.

For example, a professional photographer uploading his work to a page will find the most interesting graphs shown in the “activity” section. After all, such a person will be interested in receiving more “likes” marks. Using this tool will give him the opportunity to evaluate how relevant his work is.

For those who trade anything through a social network, it will be most useful to know your audience. He needs this in order to be able to form the composition of his future customers. The sections of the “attendance” tab will help him with this.

Video on the topic

The April Fool's joke of 2016 was a success: users, slightly worried, got their bearings and, sighing with relief, accepted the updated rules as a blessing.

Change for the better

Upgraded features:

  • "Tell friends";
  • notification button;
  • attachments to messages;
  • page visit statistics button, etc.

If the previous version of “Visit Statistics” was located directly under the audio recordings, the new one was moved under the avatar.

How to view statistics on VK in the new version

Under the personal image (photo), to the right of “Edit”, a graphic image appeared in the form of three small rectangles of different sizes. It is active only for those users. who have more than 100 subscribers (not friends!) similar to the old version.

Below I have described the graphs and what they show.

  1. Chart No. 1 has three tabs: traffic, audience coverage and subscriber activity in relation to the owner’s page.
  2. Graph No. 2 displays the percentage dependence of page visits on gender and age.
  3. Graph No. 3 introduces the geographical location of visitors.
  4. Graph No. 4 shows the growth/decrease in the number of subscribers.

On the same page, at the top right there is a useful “Upload statistics” button. You download an EXCEL spreadsheet that concentrates and analyzes data from previous charts.

More subscribers, good and different

After solving the question “How to view VKontakte statistics in the new version,” a new problem appears: the lack of the required number of subscribers. Where to get them, how to attract them?

  1. View your friends list. You indiscriminately agreed to friendship requests, you don’t know many of them, you never communicated, you just rejected their offers to buy, visit, look in. By removing strangers from the Friends tab, you automatically transfer them to the subscribed subgroup.
  2. Wander through groups, leave requests yourself, communicate. The method will work if people trust you. Depends on personal charm and the ability to interest the interlocutor.

Register and work on sites like Turbo Liker. For likes, reposts and bonuses for yourself, you write reviews, tag other users, subscribe to pages and groups of other people.

There is a solution: improve your content, revise your topics, become interesting and useful. Follow the rule “What you put time into, you get what you put into it.”

Cui prodest

Does a simple user need accounting and control of likes, visits, and unsubscribes? Once again make sure of your popularity, satisfying your insatiable ego? Or fall into depression, feeling like an unhappy loner in a large computer space?

Any counter on the site shows how much others need you, your information or products. There are three main types of social media users:

  • communication lovers, online adventurers;
  • promoters promoting products on any platform;
  • agents of influence that form waves of approval or disapproval of events and products.

Each surge of activity relative to the coordinate axes means increased group interest, the formation of a target audience and increased profits.

A close analysis of the “stuffing-outburst” correspondence specifies the date and source of changes, and highlights valuable facts from the general information flow.


VKontakte is becoming more convenient, including for mobile applications. You can optimize the functions of the new interface by downloading the updated version of the VKOpt (VKontakte Optimizer) program. I hope that the topic: how to view statistics on VK in the new version has been fully covered.

Write your comments, ideas, opinions, I will be very interested.

VK statistics are a great way to find out how popular your page is. Unfortunately, this data is not available to all users. Therefore, let's talk about how and where to look at the statistics of the VK page, as well as what data you can see.

How to view statistics in VK for your page?

As banal as it may sound, there are only 2 ways to view the statistics of a page in VK:

  1. Use the built-in functionality of the social network. Unfortunately, this method is only available to those network users who have 100 or more subscribers. Please note that we are talking specifically about those who sent you a request, but were not added as friends. In this case, the number of friends can be at least 0. Apparently, it is believed that such a number of subscribers indicates that the profile is sufficiently popular when a detailed analysis of the VK page is required;
  2. Using various programs and applications. This option is available to everyone without exception. But there is a danger of encountering unsafe software. At best, you will pay for “air”, and the resulting VKontakte statistics will turn out to be a piece of paper. At worst, access to your profile will go to scammers.

How to view statistics in VK from your phone?

The easiest way to view statistics on VK from your phone is to use the mobile application. For this:

  • Login to your account and find the button "View statistics". It can be found under the avatar of your page. If you don't see it, check the number of followers on your profile. There should be 100 or more.
  • Click on this button and you can view all the data you are interested in.

After this you will find yourself in a section with all the statistics. We'll tell you how to decrypt data a little later!

Please note that this application does not display all the information on your account. If you are interested, then it can only be viewed separately.

How to view statistics in VK from a PC?

If you prefer to work on a large screen, then VK page statistics are also available for the desktop using the built-in social network option. In general, the instructions are no different from the mobile version:

  • Log in to the system using your login;
  • Go to your personal details page. To do this, click on the arrow next to the avatar thumbnail in the upper right corner and click on “My Page”;
  • Right below your profile photo you will see a graph icon. Click on it.

  • Various forms and charts with data will open in front of you.

How to look at statistics on VK if you don’t have 100 subscribers

Well, what to do if you don’t have the required 100 subscribers? Then you will be able to analyze the VK page by ID (you can do this in a separate article of ours) using a special online service Popsters.ru, where you can view activity and other indicators not only for yourself, but also for any other users or groups.

The service is paid, but the first 10 analyzes of VK page statistics are available for free use.

  • Go to Popsters.ru and click on "Try for free".
  • Select a social network from the list and log in to it, entering your username and password if required.
  • Allow access to your profile information by clicking on the appropriate button.
  • Now you can specify either your profile or the page of any other person or group URL in the search bar.
  • Now click on the calendar icon and select the time period required for analysis.
  • You will be able to see many different graphs. You can click on each of them and see detailed information below.

As you probably already understood, you can view not only your statistics on VK, but also see and analyze the activity of a friend’s or group’s page.

Decoding VKontakte statistics

There are several sections in the online statistics section in Contact:

#1 Coverage

Thus, this point is responsible for the appearance of your reader (who he is and where he is from).

#2 Attendance

#3 Activity

In this tab you can see how many comments, likes, reposts of your posts and links people have made to you. Thus, this section answers the question: “What is interesting to your readers?”

How to upload (download) statistics to your computer?

It is worth noting that this data is available only to you; it is impossible to provide (share) access to information about statistics to other users, only if you decide to give access to your account or send screenshots of indicators to the right people.

  • But you can download statistics by clicking on the corresponding button:
  • Here you can select the types of data you want to see in your report, select the period for which it will be generated, and the file format. After that, click on “Get data”.

What is it for?

If you are developing your VK account as a commercial one and want to find out at what time and which publications find the greatest response from the audience, then you just need to check the activity and statistics of the page in VK. With its help, you can find out when and what posts should be published so that more people see them.

However, any user can include statistics in VK for his account if he is interested in finding out which posts were liked and commented on, and which were not interesting to friends and subscribers.

By the way, here is the promised surprise! 10.10.2016 social. The network turned 10 years old, and in honor of this, the developers gave their users the opportunity to view unusual holiday statistics. Despite the fact that several years have passed, the link still works, so we invite you to follow it and remember the very beginning of your use of the service. https://vk.com/feed?w=vk10_years0.

Now you know exactly how to view the activity of your page in Contact, or find out the traffic of any other resource or user. If some details remain unclear to you, then you can ask us about it by writing your question in the comment form.C

Good afternoon friends.

Every day we go to our page on the social network VKontakte, view news from friends and interesting communities, share thoughts, photos, videos. The number of our friends and subscribers is gradually increasing.

And, of course, we are interested to know how many different people read the posts on the wall and became interested in the published materials. Therefore, today we are talking about how to view the statistics of a page in VK. For those who are promoting themselves on this social network, this is not just curiosity, but important information for making money.

For beginners who have recently registered on VKontakte, this section is not available. The developers apparently considered that visitor analysis is needed only by active and popular people. Therefore, to access statistics, you need to have at least 100 subscribers. These are people who applied as friends, but were not accepted into your close social circle.

Other parameters do not matter, the only thing that matters is how interesting you are to the inhabitants of the social network. It doesn’t matter whether the person’s page is working, whether it was blocked or deleted. Until you yourself, it remains there.

So, if you have 100 subscribers, you can find out the traffic to your VK profile. Another feature is that this section is closed to everyone except the account owner. Neither friends nor random guests will be able to view the page data.

How to open and study statistics

To get the information you are interested in, go to VKontakte and log in. Click the chart icon below your main profile photo.

If there is no treasured button under the photo, enter the following url “http://vk.com/stats?mid=id” into the address bar of your browser, where . And one more important nuance: if you have not yet received the necessary popularity, then you can see a stripped-down version of the statistics at the link “vk.com/feed?section=notifications&w=stats”.

On your phone, go to your profile and click on the 3 dots in the top corner. Select "View Statistics" from the list.

We went to the desired section, and a new window with data opened in front of us. They are presented in the form of graphs and diagrams. Let's see what information we can get.


This is the first tab that is available immediately after opening the section. And the first graph shows how many people have watched posts on the wall and in the news lately.

First, we see on a vertical scale how many views there were for each day, marked horizontally. You can scroll the mouse wheel to change the distance on the timeline to see more data.

There are 2 curves in the figure, one of them shows all reached users, and the second shows only subscribers. You can also go to view information by month. Here we see only data on all views.

Let's go down to the chart showing the distribution of our readers by age and gender. Here you can get information for the week and month.

Data can be obtained by day, week or month. The pie charts are very visual, and statistics are shown next to them in percentage terms. But if this format is inconvenient for you, then you can see the same numbers marked on the graph.


Let's move on to the next tab. The first graph shows the number of unique visitors and views. The purple curve shows the number of views, and the blue curve shows unique guests. What does it mean? If someone visits your page several times a day, they are counted in the statistics only once.

Below you will find data on the gender and age of people who stopped by to see you. Light blue bars show the number of women, and blue bars show the number of men.

And the last graph shows the number of VKontakte users who subscribed and unsubscribed. If you switch to displaying “All Time” information and roll the mouse wheel, we will see the dynamics over the past year. This curve gives us an idea of ​​the rate at which our audience is increasing or decreasing.

Reach differs from attendance in that in the first case we are talking about those who viewed posts on the wall and in the news. That is, not all of them visited the page. In the second case, these are users who came in and looked at the information in our profile.


This is the third and last tab in the statistics section. At the very top we see the number of people who have subscribed to notifications about new posts. I have a stable 0 here. What about you?

Perhaps the fact is that not everyone knows that such an opportunity exists and how to implement it. And to do this, you need to click on the 3 dots under the main profile photo and select “Notify about posts.”

To increase this indicator, tell your friends and subscribers about this opportunity.

And the last graph tells how visitors react to our posts. Here we see the number of likes, comments and shares. Moreover, if your friend shared a post on his wall, and his friends liked it, then this data is also taken into account in your statistics.

If you have more than 10,000 subscribers, a fourth statistics block will appear - “Posts”. It will contain data on each individual post on the wall.

Note: the activity check in security settings shows what logins have been made to your account recently. And it is needed not for audience analysis, but in cases where there is a suspicion that the page has been hacked.

To find out how many years you have been registered on VKontakte, follow the link: “vk.com/feed?w=vk10_years0”. In addition, there will be information about your first friends, status, number of likes given over time, etc.

How to download statistics to your computer

The history of activity and other indicators for any period can be obtained by uploading the information to a file. To do this, click on the button in the upper right corner.

Here you can select the information and dates you are interested in.

Community Statistics

Data on user traffic and activity is available not only for personal pages, but also for groups on VK. To get them, you need to be an owner or administrator. There are, however, communities where statistics are freely available, but in my experience this is very rare.

If you have access to your group's audience information, you'll see a section on the right side of the page.

We open the window and see the same tabs as in the personal profile, plus the “Community Messages” subsection. Let's look at additional information that can be obtained from public statistics:

  • the first graph adds viral reach - this is the number of people who viewed the posts but are not members or subscribers of the group;
  • in the “Attendance” block we receive additional information about the sources of referrals, the dynamics of participants and section views;

  • activity takes into account “Like” marks, clicking on the “Tell Friends” link and hiding community news, there is also information about clicks on the action button;
  • the “Community Messages” section displays information about correspondence with users through the “Dialogues” section.

When the mark of 5,000 participants is reached, another tab is added to the group statistics - “Records”. It displays information about the last 150 posts on the wall. These are the differences between group statistics and personal pages. In general, there is more data for audience analysis, which is very important for owners and administrators.

How can you get data about other people's pages?

In the social network itself, we see information only about the audience of a personal account and public pages, in which we are given broad powers. But there are third-party applications and online services that allow you to look into “someone else’s garden.” One such resource is Popsters.

We go to the site and click the “Try” button. Then we log in via VK and enter the address of the page we are interested in. You can use the program for free for 7 days and do up to 10 checks. Further use and receipt of analytics tools is paid.


We looked at how to find out the statistics of your personal page and VKontakte communities, and analyzed each indicator of traffic and activity. This is quite enough to satisfy curiosity. But for promotion, statistical information itself is only a tool.

Having collected and analyzed the data, it is important to draw a conclusion about who your readers and fans are, what content is most interesting to them, and what to do to increase your audience. Involvement is also of great importance: likes, reposts, new subscriptions, comments. To promote the page, they need to be increased naturally and with the help of high-quality promotion.

If you have questions, write in the comments.

All the best, friends. See you again on the pages of our blog.