Remote access to the router via the Internet. How to connect to wifi without knowing the password How to enter the router settings

Although not so often, remote access to the router from outside is required. For example, from a different subnet, or even from the Internet. View statistics, adjust something, deny it, or, on the contrary, open access, while being in another city.

Or get inside the network controlled by our router from work. We will consider all these questions and methods of implementation in this article using the example of different models of routers.

In the first part of the article we will look at the settings to be able to remotely connect directly to the router, in the second part of the article we will look at how to access the local network created by it from the outside.

Setting up the router

It is logical to assume that you will need to configure the router. To enter the settings menu, use a web browser and the IP address of the router, indicated under the bottom of the router, or in the setup instructions. Let's take the ZyXEL router as an example of configuration.

Label under the bottom

Let's go to settings. Further settings depend on whether we allow connection to the router from any external IP address, or from a specific address. For example, ZyXEL is installed at home, and we need access to the settings from work. The address of the work computer is static, that is, permanent, and in this case it is better for us to choose the second option. If we don’t know when and where the connection will be needed, then we choose the first option.

Setting up a connection from any IP address

In the router settings, go to the “Security” menu, and go to the “Network Address Translation (NAT)” submenu.

Creating an address translation rule

Access to the router's web interface will be carried out via the HTTP protocol (it can also be configured via telnet, but this is an outdated technology), and standard HTTP port 80 will be used.

So, let's create an access rule:

  1. Interface – select the item by which we are using a connection to the provider (PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP). Let's take an ISP as an example. Specifically for your case, the type of connection is specified in the contract with the provider;
  2. Protocol – TCP/80;
  3. Redirect to address – here we indicate the IP address of our router. According to the factory settings, it is, if it is changed, indicate it;
  4. New destination port number – write 80.

Now, in order to connect to it from the outside, go to the 2IP website and write down the “white” IP address of the router.

Setting up a connection to a specific IP address

Now let's look at the computer installed at work. While at work, use the “ipconfig” command to find out its IP address and write it down on a piece of paper.

Creating rules for one IP address

In the “Action” field, select the “Allow” value. In the “Source IP address” field, select the value “one” and write the network address of the working computer written on the piece of paper. In the “Protocol” field, also select “TCP/80”.

Connection via Telnet

Just in case, let's consider setting up via Telnet.

Again, go to the address translation settings (as in the first example), and in the “Protocol” field, select the “TCP/23 - remote terminal (telnet)” item.

Setting up a connection via Telnet

Accordingly, we specify the port not 80, but 23. We also save the settings and reboot.

Access to another router model

Let's briefly look at another router model - ASUS 520gc.

Go to settings, select “Internet Firewall”, sub-item “Basic Config”.

Enabling access permission from an external network

By default, access is disabled - enable it in the “Enable Web Access from WAN” line. Click “Apply”. Next, we need to find out the IP addresses that the router has assigned to connect to it from the outside. Go to the “Status and Log” item, then the “System Log” submenu.

Router logs

We look carefully at the logs and look for the lines indicated in the screenshot. To access the router settings from the internal network, we use the LAN address; to access from the Internet, we use the WAN address.

Accessing a computer through a router

Now let's see how to connect to a computer that is connected to the Internet through our router. Let's take ZyXEL Keenetic again as an example.

First, download and install a special remote access program “Remote Desktop” on your computer. In some versions of Windows, this program is already included in the distribution.

Go to the router settings, “Home network” item, “Servers” sub-item.

Setting up port forwarding

Check the box “Port forwarding”. In the “Service” field, select “other”, then go to the Remote Desktop program settings, and look at the port number that it uses for remote access. In our example, this is 3389. We write it in the router settings in the “Ports” field.

Next, in the “Server IP address” field, select the “Entered” option, and in the next field write the IP address of the computer on which the program is installed. In our case, In “Description” we write the name of the rule (so as not to get confused if there are many of them), and in “Access from the Internet” we indicate who is allowed to connect remotely. For example, let's allow everyone.

Click the “Add” button.

Setting up your computer's IP address

You noticed that we indicated a fixed IP address of the computer to which we opened access from the outside. This means that this computer must have a permanent address, and not a dynamic IP, which can change every time it is turned on. We will fix the network address using the physical MAC address of the computer.

To solve this, you need to allocate a permanent address to this computer in the router settings. Go to the router settings, select the “Home Network” menu, then the “Network Organization” submenu.

Fixing the computer's IP address

At the bottom of the “Leased addresses” window that opens, in the “MAC addresses” field, select the “Entered” value. In the next field we enter the MAC address of the computer on which the program is installed, in the third field we write the IP address (for our example - Give the rule a name.

Click “Fix”.

Now, even if the DHCP server is enabled, the IP address for this computer will never change until we cancel the rule.

Setting up and operating the Remote Desktop program

Question Login to the router from your phone at addresses and is relevant if you don’t have a computer at hand. There is a solution, because today most modern routers do not require a cable connection for initial setup, as was the case just a few years ago. This means you can do this without a computer at all.

How to connect and log into the router via phone -

As soon as you turn on the device, it automatically starts distributing password-free WiFi. The network is usually named by its manufacturer + a prefix in the form of the router ID, for example “TP-Link_1234”

If it is protected, as for example with Zyxel Keenetic, then the connection data is printed on a sticker located on the router body.

Accordingly, we can connect to it from any laptop or smartphone that has a wireless module.

If the password is not suitable, or the standard network name has been changed, this means that the device has already been set up before you and to log into the router from your phone, you first need to do a full reset using the “Reset” or “Default” button.

Logging into the router from your phone via via a browser

So, our procedure is as follows:

  1. We insert the cable from the Internet provider into the port marked “WAN” on the router’s connector panel
  2. Plug it into a power outlet and turn on WiFi
  3. We turn the case over and on the sticker we find the name of the network that it creates by default, as well as the address for entering the administrator section, login and password for entering
  4. Now you need to go into the router settings from your phone through a browser using this data, and then configure your connection to the Internet and set the wireless network parameters - exactly the same as if you did it from a computer.

Logging into the router from your phone is also identical - using the IP address of the router, which looks like . Which one is needed in your case - look again on the sticker.

Launch a mobile browser - Opera, Crome or whatever you usually use, and enter “", or "«.

How to log into the router through the application?

The option described above is suitable for absolutely all routers.
However, today more and more network equipment manufacturers are starting to develop their own cross-platform mobile applications to make the process of setting up a router via phone more convenient and intuitive.

Without using an access point, it will not be possible to create even the simplest home network. Manufacturer's default settings may not be suitable for functionality or security. It is possible to change the configuration, set up security and other options through the router's control panel, but to do this, you first need to log in there.

Going into the router settings and setting the necessary parameters is equally easy for devices from different manufacturers. Beginner users may encounter some difficulties, but using these instructions, finding ways to solve them will not be difficult.

Connecting the equipment

Let's consider a standard situation that does not require installing network card drivers, configuring it, determining the IP address via the command line, and other manipulations. In 90% of cases you can do without them. A separate chapter of this article will be devoted to problems that arise during the process of logging into the router.

What you need to connect the router:

  • Network cable that comes with the equipment (any LAN cable will do, except wires crimped for direct connection of two computers);
  • Availability of a network adapter on the connected computer or laptop;
  • The router that needs to be configured.

The equipment installation process is as follows: you need to connect the network cable to the appropriate connectors of the router and computer. On a PC, this is the RJ-45 port located on the motherboard. Almost all computers and most laptops have at least one such connector.

Routers have 5 or more network ports (3 on very budget models). The blue connector (there may be inscriptions under it: WAN/line/Internet) is intended for connecting the provider’s cable, or any other cable through which the Internet “enters” the router. To log into the router control panel, use other network ports. They are usually yellow and labeled “Lan1”, “Lan2” and so on - as many ports as there are numbers.

The power cord of the access point is connected to the appropriate connector, and to start it, just plug the adapter into the power supply.

How to get into the router interface

A router is an independent device that does not require installation of additional drivers or other software on a PC. It's actually a small computer. It has a processor, RAM and even an operating system.

The CD supplied by some manufacturers does not contain drivers. It contains a utility whose purpose is to control the device through its own interface. The use of such software will not be considered within the scope of this article. Because there is a simpler and more universal way to configure an access point.

You can get to the router control panel through a browser by entering its IP address in the address bar: or The exact network address of the access point can be found on the bottom of the device.

Video instructions for entering the interface:

You can change equipment parameters either by connecting via a wire or via a wireless connection.

Login to the admin panel using a PC

You can access the router settings from your computer using a cable connection using any browser, for example, Google Chrome. After entering the IP address of the access point in the address bar, the user authorization page will open. The default data can be found on the sticker on the bottom of the router. Most often, the login and password are admin. They are entered into the appropriate fields, after which you need to press “enter” or the “Login” button.

If the entered values ​​are correct, you will be taken to your personal account on the equipment control panel.

Wireless connection from mobile devices

It is not always possible to view the access point parameters on your computer. For example, you don’t have time to turn it on or don’t want to look for a cable. If a Wi-Fi network is available, you can control the router from a laptop, tablet or phone that has a program for viewing Internet sites.

The sequence of actions is the same as on a PC, the difference is in the method of connecting to the network. To connect a new access point to a Wi-Fi network, entering a password is not required. The phone or tablet will detect the desired network, after which all that remains is to join it. Next, you need to launch the browser and enter the IP address of the router in its address bar, for example,, after which the authorization page will open. On an Android mobile phone it looks like this:

To open the control panel you need to enter the standard login and password.

Configuring equipment is no different from the same process using a cable connection. Via Wi-Fi, you can change the settings of an old device or configure a new one. The only operation that should not be done over a wireless connection is flashing the system or restoring it from a backup file.

If something doesn't work out

If you don’t go into the settings, the sequence of actions depends on the problem that has arisen. The most common situations are when the computer does not “see” the connection at the router address (the page is not accessible in the browser) or it is impossible to log into the admin panel (incorrect login or password).

The page is not available

After entering the IP address, the browser does not go to the control panel page for the following reasons:

  1. Static IP registered. To check the router address you need to know where the corresponding parameters are located. In Windows OS, you need to go to the “Network and Sharing Center”.

In the window that opens, on the left, click on the menu item “Change adapter settings.”

In the next window, select your connection. You can manage the parameters by right-clicking on it, after which you need to select “properties” from the drop-down menu.

The page will display the components used by this connection. You need to select as in the window on the left, after which the window on the right will open.

In the TCP/IPv4 protocol properties menu, select the “Obtain an IP address automatically” option and then click “ok”. If any numbers were written in the address, subnet mask and default gateway fields, you should write them down just in case.

  1. IP address unknown. To find out, you can use Windows OS tools. To do this, select “Run” from the “Start” menu (or press the “Windows + R” combination), type “cmd” in the window that appears, then enter “ipconfig” in the console command line, as a result the following should appear:

The router's IP address is highlighted in red.

Can't log into the admin panel

There is a situation when, after entering authorization data, the browser displays an error - “Invalid login/password”. To solve this problem, you can first experiment with the input. Try different options, for example, the password could be 1234 or password. For some manufacturers, the password field does not need to be filled in by default.

If the fields are filled in, and after clicking the “Login” button or the “enter” key nothing happens on the page, you should try logging in from a different browser or rebooting the router.

For what reasons you can’t log in - informational video:

The need to go into the router settings may arise for a variety of reasons. This could be the initial setup of the router, opening ports, changing IP addresses, updating the firmware, etc. In general, the reasons can be very different. If you configured the router yourself, then you will no longer have problems logging into its settings again.

But it’s not uncommon for a situation to happen when the router was configured by another person. After which the user was left alone with his router. As a result, the user does not know how to go into the router settings and solve problems that arise. If you find yourself in a similar situation, then this article should help you.

Go to the router settings

In order to go into the router settings (or, more correctly, go to the router’s web interface), you need to open any browser and enter it into the browser’s address bar. It looks something like the screenshot (below). As we see, there is nothing complicated, just open the browser and enter the IP address. After entering the IP address, press the Enter key.

Next, you should see a window for entering your login and password. Depending on the router model and the browser you use, this window may look different. But, it always has two fields: login and password. After entering your login and password, press the enter key again or the “OK” button.

If you entered the correct username and password, then you should go to the router settings. If the login and password are incorrect, you will see an error message. In this case, you need to refresh the page (or enter the IP address of the router again) and try again, correcting the error with your login and password.

Can't access router settings

If you are going into the router settings for the first time, then you may well encounter some difficulties. Now we will look at the two most common problems that users have.

Problem #1. I don't know which IP address to enter.

In most cases, routers are accessible via one of two IP addresses: And . In order to determine which IP address your router is accessible at, just try entering first one and then the other into the address bar of your browser. Most likely, after entering one of these IP addresses, you will see a window asking you to enter your username and password. If such a window appears, then you guessed right.

You can also view network connection details. In most cases, the default gateway IP is the same as the router IP address. To do this, open the Control Panel and go to the “Network and Internet” section, and then to the “Network and Sharing Center” subsection. Here you need to open the local network connection properties.

In the window that opens, click on the “Details” button.

After this, a window called “Network Connection Information” will appear.

Here, in the “Default Gateway” field, the IP address you need will be indicated.

Problem #2. I don't know the login and password for the router.

In order to access the router settings, you need to enter your username and password. It is impossible to do without this. If you have just connected a new router, then you need to enter the standard login and password. The standard login/password pair can be indicated on the bottom of the router, on the box or in the instructions.

Typically, one of the typical combinations is used as a standard login/password pair. For example it could be:

  • Login: admin password: empty line (password is not used, only login);
  • Login: admin, password: admin;
  • Login: admin, password: password;
  • Login: admin, password: 1234;
  • Login: admin, password: 12345;

If the login and password have been changed, then you need to remember what login and password you specified. If the router was set up by another person, then ask him, since you won’t be able to access the settings without a login and password.

As a last resort, if it is impossible to find out the login and password, you can reset the router settings (this is done using the RESET button on the back of the router). After resetting the settings, you will be able to log into the settings using the standard login and password. But, you need to take into account that after resetting the settings, the router will have to be configured from scratch.

They do not require regular intervention in their work. As a rule, it is enough to set them up once and after that they can work for as long as desired. But sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to urgently make changes to the router settings, for example, in order to change the WiFi password. In such a situation, the question arises of how to open the router settings. In this article we will talk about how to quickly and easily access your router settings.

A username and password are required to protect the router from changing settings by third parties. The standard login and password are indicated on the router box or in its instructions.

If you don't know which username and password to use, you can try the following options:

  • Login: admin, password: admin;
  • Login: admin password: empty line (password is not used, only login);
  • Login: admin, password: 1234;
  • Login: admin, password: 12345;
  • Login: admin, password: password;

These login and password combinations are often used by router manufacturers as standard. As a last resort, if you cannot remember your login and password to access your browser settings, you can: