Script guess the melody in the dhow. Entertainment in the preparatory group "guess the melody." Entertainment for children of middle and senior groups “Musical guessing game”

Game "Guess the melody"

Leading.Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to see you at our game “Guess the melody”. The Violin and Flute teams took part in our exciting game. Participants choose a topic whose questions they want to answer and name a note. On the back of each note is written the number of points the team will receive if they answer correctly. (Each round has its own table of topics.)

First tour.

1. Topic “Profession” (“Sailor Girl”, “The Driver’s Song”, “Opera”, “Teachers have no time to grow old.”).

2. Topic “Names”(“Antoshka”, “Sasha Masha”, “Katyusha”, “Marusya”).

3. Theme “Where does childhood go” children's songs: “Twice two makes four”, “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together”, “Merry wind”, “Where does childhood go”

Second round.

1. Topic “Cinema and Music” (“Winged swing” from the film “The Adventure of Electronics”, “Good Beetle” from the film “Cinderella”, “Beautiful Far Away” from the film “Guest from the Future”, “Pinocchio” from the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, etc.).

2. Theme "Multi-remote" (“Clouds”, “Chunga-Changa”, “Song of the Bremen Town Musicians”, “If only there were no winter”, etc.).

3. Theme "Transport" (“Blue Car”, “Cruiser Aurora”, “Turning the Pedals”, “Green-Eyed Taxi”, etc.).

4. Theme "Animals": “Chip and Deil”, “We lived with grandma two weights. Goose", "Dance of the Ducklings", "Or Maybe a Crow"

Third round.

Auction of “musical” words. In one minute, remember words that contain the names of notes.

Fourth round A hint is given: you need to say the name of the song or sing it.

1. Song of a prehistoric animal. (“Baby Mammoth’s Song” from the cartoon “Mom for the Baby Mammoth.”)

2. A song explaining the rotation of the Earth around its axis. "Song about Bears"

3. A song about a country where you can meet the firebird and the golden horse (Little Country)

4. A song about using a smile as electricity. (Smile).

5. Cartoon song of Father Frost and Snow Maiden. (“Come on, come on, come out and dance!”)

6. A song about the daily activities of children aged 10-11 (“What they teach at school”)

7. A song about a pet that the whole house hated (“Black Cat”).

Fifth round "Scattered Lines"

Cards are distributed, each of which contains a line of a verse of a famous song (at the discretion of the presenter). Whoever puts together a verse and sings it faster wins this competition.

the clouds will suddenly begin to dance then

the grasshopper squeals and violins

stream from a blue river begins

friendship starts with a smile

with the quail, sing to the quail with us

needle one will be a Christmas tree needle two

a plank two times a ladder will be a plank

two words will be a word song one

Super game.

Leading.You will now be given time. You need to quickly name all the songs that will be played in a row. The songs are played: “Kalinka”, “Valenki”, “Song about hares”, “Good night kids”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “True friend”, “Let there always be sunshine”.

The presenter names the winner. Congratulation. Rewarding.

Questions for viewers.

1. What notes can be used to measure distance? (mi-la-mi)

2. What great Austrian composer is already at the age of six

performed in concerts? (Mozart).

3. Which great composer composed and played his works,

being deaf? (Beethoven)

4. What two notes grow in the garden? (beans)

5. What song did the kids sing when they were flying in a hot air balloon?

(cartoon “The Adventures of Dunno”)? ("In the grass Grasshopper sat")

He looks like a brother to the button accordion,

Where there is fun, there he is.

I won't give any hints

Everyone knows... (Accordion.)

Which instrument?

Are there strings and a pedal?

What is this? Undoubtedly

This is our glorious... (Piano.)

Smooth bow movements

The strings make me tremble,

The motive murmurs from afar,

Sings about the lunar wind.

How clear the sounds are overflowing,

There is joy and a smile in them,

It sounds like a dreamy tune.

Its name... (Violin.)

I put the pipe to my lips -

A trill flowed through the forest,

The tool is very fragile

It's called... (Pipe.)

Skin on top, skin on bottom too,

Five steps - a ladder,

There is a song on the steps. (Notes.)

What key won't open the door? (Violinist.)
What note is put in the soup? (Salt.)

The box dances on its knees - sometimes it sings, sometimes it cries loudly. (Bayan or


No ears, but hears

There are no hands, but he writes,

There is no mouth, but he sings. (Record player.)

Seven guys on the stairs started playing songs. (Notes.)
He is cut down from a tree and cries in his hands. (Violin.)

Denmark Ilkina
Festive entertainment for children in the school preparatory group “Guess the melody”

Holiday entertainment

« Guess the melody»

(preparatory group)

Children run into the hall to the music and sit down in their seats.

Leading: Hello guys! Today, on this warm spring day, a musical program came to visit us « Guess the melody» . Do you know her? And this is not surprising, because we all love music very much! Is it true? and since the program is musical, I suggest we start our holiday with a cheerful spring song, which is called "Early spring"

(Children line up in a semicircle near the central wall).

Song "Early spring"

And now, I invite the first three participants to take their places! (Children go to the center of the hall - participants). So let's start our game « Guess the melody. To begin with, I would like to remind you of the conditions of the game. While listening to music, fans should not give hints or shout out; you can only raise your hand if you recognize this melody, and our participants take the pipes in their hands, and whoever signals first will be the first to answer. For each correct answer he receives one point. Are the rules of the game clear to everyone?

So, first task. Our participants need guess, what is the name of this song, or you can sing this song with the words.

1) "Chunga-changa"; 2) "Blue carriage"; 3) "White Boats"; 4) "Antoshka"; 5) "Two cheerful geese"; 6) "Grasshopper"; 7) "Baby Mammoth"; 8) "From a smile".

Well done guys, we completed the first task, and now let's see who of these three became the winner and who has the most points! Take your seats! And I announce a musical break! On a merry our holiday Let's dance together merrily!

Dance "With gymnastic sticks"

Song "Who built the rainbow?"

So, let's continue our game, I invite the second three participants! (Children go out and take pipes). Guys, do you like cartoons? Let's see! The task will be a little more difficult, our participants need to listen carefully to the music and guess who sings this song! What fairy tale hero?

1) "Leopold"; 2) "Little Red Riding Hood"; 3) "Crocodile Gena"; 4) "Lion Cub and Turtle"; 5) "The Wolf and the Hare"...tell the Snow Maiden.);6) "Winnie the Pooh"

Well done boys! Let's count the points of our participants. Who has more? Let's clap for the winners! Take your seats. And we have a musical break again! Guys, I have an interesting game! And it's called “Get a flower by color”, I need 5 willing people, whoever wants to come out!

A game “Get a flower by color”

A game "With a tambourine"

We continue our game, the third three, please take your seats. Guys, I think you all love watching TV, what are your favorite shows? Well, listen to the third task, it will be the most difficult! Now you must guess by melody What's the name of the TV show? So, are the participants ready?

1) "Jumble"; 2) "The Jungle is Calling"; 3) "Good night"; 4) "Masha and the Bear"; 5) "Smeshariki"; 6) "Battle of Psychics"; 7) "In the animal world"; 8) "Disney Land"

Well done boys! Let's count the points, who won in the 3rd round? Let's clap! And now there is a musical break.

Dance "Cat and Mice" (T.I. Suvorova)

Song "Lemonade Rain"(K. N. Kostin)

Well done guys, take your seats. Unfortunately our music game « Guess the melody» has come to an end, did you like it? I made sure that you know a lot, and now in memory of our meeting I will give you these sweet treats (Giveaway).

See you again guys, goodbye. (Children leave the hall to the music).

Extracurricular activity scenario

A game - "Guess the melody"

Target: Creating conditions for the active involvement of children in the art of music through the entertaining game “Guess the Melody.”


    to form an emotional and aesthetic perception of the world around us through music;

    cultivate love and interest in vocal works of various musical styles;

    develop an ear for music, musical memory and sensitivity, creative imagination;

    expand students’ knowledge about the history of the Motherland, its singing culture through the study of children’s songs, vocal works, and modern pop songs;

    to educate and instill love and respect for human heritage and respect for singing traditions.

    Organizing time. Impromptu conversation.

Good afternoon to everyone who came to our “Guess the Melody” game today!

I can't live a day without music!

She's in me. She's all around me.

And in the singing of birds, and in the noise of cities

In the silence of the grass and in the rainbow of flowers,

And in the glow of blossoming above the earth...

She is my companion everywhere and forever.

Music... here it is, just turn on the radio, TV, tape recorder, stereo system, and someone will go to the disco. Who likes what more?

Experience great art, have fun and have fun.

Now let me introduce you to the participants. I wish the teams a successful game and the spectators and fans a good mood. So, let's start the game “Guess the melody”!

Qualifying round
Presenter 2. Dear guys, now we will bring to your attention words from songs that you heard in cartoons. The task is simple: you need to name the character and the name of the cartoon in which this song is sung.

1. “And I increasingly notice
That it was as if someone had replaced me.
I don’t even dream about the seas -
TV has replaced nature for me” (Matroskina’s song from the film “Prostokvashino”).
2. “Kneading the snow with a spoon,
The night is coming,
Why aren't you sleeping, silly?
Your neighbors are sleeping -
White bears,
Sleep quickly too, baby." (Lullaby of the Ursa from the film “Umka”)
3. “I was once strange
A nameless toy
Which one in the store
Nobody will come. (Cheburashka’s song from the film “Cheburashka and the Crocodile Gena”).
4. - Tell me, Snow Maiden,
Where were you?
Tell me, honey,
How are you?
- I was running after you,
Father Frost,
I've spilled a lot
Bitter tears. (Song of the Snow Maiden and Father Frost from the film “Well, just wait!”).
5. “You can’t fly far on an old piece of iron,
You can't get far on an old piece of iron.
It's good to sit in the dark
And move iron pieces,
Your whole life will change as soon as you pick up
The same pin code
Pin!" (Smesharikov’s song from the film “Smeshariki”).
Backup options
6. “Stretch the bellows, accordion,
Eh, play, have fun!
Sing ditties, Grandma Yozhka,
Sing, don't talk! (Song by Babok Ezhek from the film “The Flying Ship”).
7. “If it’s long, long, long,
If it's long along the path,
If it's a long time along the path
Stomp, ride and run,
Then, perhaps, then of course,
That's probably true, true,
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,
You can come to Africa" ​​(Song of Little Red Riding Hood, film "Little Red Riding Hood").

Participants who answer the questions correctly are invited to the stage.
Presenter 1. Let's greet music experts.
(presentation of participants)
Participant #1…
Participant #2...
Participant #3...
Participant #4...
Participant #5...
Presenter 2. Congratulations, you have become participants in the “Guess the Melody” show. And the jury will judge you. Let me introduce you to a strict but fair jury that will evaluate the participants in our show.
(presentation of the jury members)
Presenter 1. It's time to start our show. The jury is ready, the participants are in place, we are starting.

So here we go. First tour.
Presenter 1. In front of you is a board with four categories of music, in each category there are four melodies. Melodies are indicated by notes. Each note has its own price - from 5 to 30 points. You select a note, then the melody plays without words. Participants are required to be the first to remember what the melody is, pick up their number and answer. If the answer is correct, the cost of the “note” is credited to the participant’s scoreboard, who has the right to choose the next category. If the player makes a mistake, he is “fined” - he misses one (two) tunes and is out of the game. The melodies sound for 20 seconds, in which case the “note” remains unplayed. Not all categories and notes can be played in the first round. After the first round, the participant with the fewest points is eliminated.
Presenter 2. The right to name and open the first note is given to participant No. 1 (the participant chooses a melody, it sounds, and the one who first raises his number guesses. If the participant guessed right, then the next move will be his).

School years

1. Two-two is four

2. We love you, your dear ones.

3. Our mother.

4. First-grader.

1. Friendship is strong

1. If you go on a trip with a friend

2. A true friend (“A strong friendship will not break...”)

3. It’s fun to walk together

4. Song of friends ("There is nothing better in the world...")

2. Multi-remote

1. Song of a lion cub ("I'm lying in the sun...")

2. Smile from the film "Little Raccoon"

3. Crocodile Gena's song from the movie "Cheburashka"

4. Clouds. (Shake, hello)

In the animal world

1.Black cat.

2. The dog is missing.

3. Three white horses.

4. Forest deer ("On a rainy gray day in autumn...")

Presenter 1. The first round ends with this magnificent melody. Let's see the results. The jury's word.
As was said, according to the rules of our show, the participant who scores the fewest points leaves us. Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to……..and say “thank you”.

Second round
Presenter 2. In the second round they play with us... and.... The tour will take place in the form of auctions. You will bargain with each other for the right to name the melody after my hint. The game will go to three points. The player numbered...with the most points starts the game. The countdown goes from 15 to 7 notes, that is, you say “I will guess this melody from 15 notes, and the second participant either gives you the right to guess the melody, or says a smaller number of notes from which he will guess the melody.

1. A song about a profession whose representatives want to get some sleep and know how to keep the king’s secrets (“Song of the Guard” from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”)
2. A song about a representative of the insect order that looks like a vegetable (“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass” from the cartoon “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”)

3. A song about two cheerful representatives of the grandmother’s farmstead (“Two cheerful geese”)

4. Part of a naval uniform (The children's song "White cap, striped collar..." plays)

5. Action of compassion for an inanimate object (“The little Christmas tree is cold in winter, we took the Christmas tree home from the forest”)

6. A song about the love of an elderly person (“Once upon a time there was a little gray goat with my grandmother”)

7. A song about the knowledge gained at school (“What they teach at school”)

Presenter 1. We give the floor to the jury. The third round has come to an end, unfortunately, for one of the participants it turned out to be the last. We say goodbye to...we are glad that you were at the game and showed a high musical level.

Super game.
Now it's a great game. We congratulate the participant on reaching the final. You need to guess 7 melodies in 3 minutes. At the jury's signal, we begin.
(a game)
Today you have proven that you are a true music connoisseur. Congratulations on winning our show. This thunderous applause is addressed to you.
You may not have made it to the super game, but you are a finalist and you are the winner of the “Guess the melody” game. You are rightfully considered a music connoisseur.

We invite all participants of the game to the stage. Thank you for your attention. See you soon!
(awarding the winner, presenting prizes and certificates to participants)

Game - entertainment “Guess the melody”

Summer is a time of relaxation, entertainment and fun. This is a good reason to get together and have fun.

In the summer, all groups in kindergarten are of different ages. This promotes better socialization, the development of communication skills, teaches older children to help and support younger ones, and the kids, in turn, take an example from older children and follow them.

A game - entertainment “Guess the melody” - was played with children of senior preschool age. Musical games introduce children to the world of music, develop their creativity and imagination.

The game took place in 3 stages:

  • 1. Quiz “Musical instruments”
  • 2. Competition “Guess the song”
  • 3. Quiz “Visiting a fairy tale”

The event featured the melodies of children's songs, riddles about musical instruments, and excerpts from familiar fairy tales and cartoons.

The children were able to demonstrate all their musical abilities: musical memory, sense of rhythm, singing and dancing abilities.

And of course there were musical breaks, during which the children had fun and danced with all their hearts!

The most active participants were awarded commemorative medals “Music Connoisseurs”. All children were treated to sweet prizes.

I would like to express my gratitude to the musical director E.D. Velikanova. for your assistance in organizing the entertainment!

, Working with parents

Duration 30-35 minutes.

To the music, children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

(The music director acts as the presenter).

No music, no music
There is no way to live.
Can't dance without music
Neither polka nor hopak.
And you won’t be able to spin around in the dance,
and you won’t be able to march,
And a funny song
You won’t sing on holiday.
So let's dance today
music will come to us,
And everyone along with the music
dance and sing!

Children sing a song about the Song (chosen by the music director).

To the music, children sit on chairs next to their parents.

Host: This morning we received a video letter from the Princess of Music, let's take a look.

Watching the film "The Princess's Request" (Annex 1).

The presenter takes the flower.

Host: Well, let's help the Princess cast a spell on the magic flower?

We know cartoon characters
Showing them is no secret
And now we will guess,
What will the portrait show us?

I have a magic bag, from which the child takes out the headdress of a fairy-tale character and puts it on mom or dad! Then a fragment from the song is played. We must guess which hero will be in front of us.


  1. Bogatyr,
  2. Pinocchio,
  3. Winnie the Pooh,
  4. Wizard,
  5. Crocodile Gena,
  6. Dunno,
  7. Snow Maiden,
  8. Cheburashka,
  9. Turtle,
  10. Shapoklyak.

Host: Have you visited fairy tale heroes?

Did you recognize the songs they sang?

Next task: “Whose song!”

You need to listen to a fragment of the song and pick up a card with a picture of who this song is about ( Appendix 2).

Songs: “33 Cows”, “Antoshka”, “A Grasshopper Was Sitting in the Grass”, “Two Cheerful Geese”, “We Will Survive This Trouble”, “Little Red Riding Hood’s Song”, “Winnie the Pooh’s Song”, “Little Mammoth’s Song”.

Music has friends
It's you and it's me!

But there is no music without musical instruments!

We are completing the task.
Let's guess the tools!

Riddles about musical instruments.

Presenter: Well done! All the riddles were solved. And it happens that the words in songs are confused so that the songs turn out completely different.

For example, “A fly was flying in the sky,” but the real song is “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass.”

Parents guess the “encrypted” words of the songs:

  • “55 rams” – “33 cows”,
  • “I am a bun, I am a bun!” - “I am the Vodyanoy, I am the Vodyanoy!”,
  • “If you drive fast along the highway and run” - “If you go along the path for a long time”,
  • “A bush was born in the field” - “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
  • “Oh, the watchman goes to bed late!” - “Oh, the guards get up early!”
  • “Two cheerful turkeys lived with grandpa” - “Two cheerful geese lived with grandma”
  • "Blue Panama" - "Little Red Riding Hood"
  • “The green train is running and swaying” - “The blue car is running and swaying.”

Host: And now the most difficult task:

"Musical crossword".

Parents solve the crossword words horizontally, and write letters from colored squares on cards of the corresponding colors(Appendix 3), meanwhile, the children are putting together a “Ducklings” mosaic (cards cut into pieces).

Distribute cards to parents in such a way that the phrase “Dance of the Little Ones” is obtained.

Host: Let's read what our parents did.

Reading: Dance of the little ones

And our children collected “Ducklings”!

Therefore, I invite everyone to the “Dance of the Little Ducklings.”

Performing "Dance of the Little Ducklings"

Participants take their seats.

Presenter: You and I solved all the riddles of the Magic Flower and helped the Princess of Music. Let's listen to what she tells us.

Watching the video “Princess's Gratitude”(Appendix 4).

After watching the film, the presenter gives the children and parents balloons and says goodbye.